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  • Wind Turbine Project

    Port Elgin wind turbine

    位于埃尔金港的工会家庭教育中心(FEC)场地上的uedbet新版官网风力涡轮机, Ontario has been in operation since 2012. 风力涡轮机是我们工会努力建设更可持续未来的一个重要里程碑.

    风力涡轮机从清洁能源中产生相当于FEC能源需求的50%-60%, renewable resource. 这是我们的联盟如何将其政治优先事项付诸实践的一个例子.

    风力发电是绿色能源技术的重要组成部分,它将使安大略省减少对化石燃料(如煤炭)和其他不可再生能源的依赖. Wind power is growing exponentially in Ontario, and that's a good thing. 这是朝着保护原始环境和减少空气污染迈出的积极一步——这是我们欠下一代的.


    Frequently Asked Questions

    What are the benefits of wind power generation?

    Wind power is a safe, pollution-free form of renewable energy. 风能在安大略省乃至全世界呈指数级增长. 越来越多的社区正在为减少温室气体排放尽自己的一份力量, 采用绿色能源技术,改善整体空气质素,保护自然环境. Wind power is an important part of that effort.


    Why did uedbet新版官网  build a wind turbine?

    工会对环境可持续性的承诺载于工会的《uedbet新版官网》. 欧盟完全接受应对气候变化的严峻全球挑战, preserving the natural environment and advocating for clean, 可再生能源发电,帮助我们满足当前和未来的能源需求.

    uedbet新版官网’s wind turbine will not only help generate new, clean energy to the Ontario power grid, 它将作为一个重要的教育和提高认识的工具,为我们的成员和公众.

    What are the economic benefits of uedbet新版官网’s wind turbine?

    涡轮机由当地建筑公司建造,安大略省的咨询公司也参与其中. 建筑材料是在当地采购的,正在进行的服务和维修合同也是如此. The steel for the tower was produced in Sault Ste. Marie. Numerous other components were sourced in Ontario.

    Is uedbet新版官网 expecting to turn a profit on wind power generation?

    通过产生清洁的风能并将其送入安大略省电网, uedbet新版官网有资格获得安大略省政府的上网电价补贴(FIT)计划. FIT为包括风能在内的各种可再生能源产生的能源支付溢价.

    The cost of erecting a wind turbine is substantial, and the FIT program helped offset the overall costs. uedbet新版官网风力涡轮机的回收期预计在15-18年之间.

    Are there negative health effects from wind turbines?

    没有科学证据证明风力发电项目会对健康造成影响, despite repeated studies world-wide. 

    Wind turbines do emit some noise. uedbet新版官网已经竭尽全力确保我们的涡轮机符合安大略省制定的噪音控制法规.

    Will the uedbet新版官网 wind turbine affect my property value?

    在北美各地进行了大量关于风力涡轮机开发对房地产价值影响的研究, and the evidence is inconclusive. A study(1) of homes in Chatham-Kent, Ontario, performed by real estate appraisers and consultants, 没有发现土地价值和附近涡轮机存在的相关性吗.

    The authors summarized their findings like this: “In the study area, where wind farms were clearly visible, 没有经验证据表明,农村住宅物业的销售价格低于同一地区内风力涡轮机视野之外的类似住宅物业.”

    Did uedbet新版官网 engage in community consultation?

    The uedbet新版官网 wind turbine project officially started in 2003. Over the course of eight years, uedbet新版官网 distributed over 3,000 information brochures to local residents and union members. 进行了社区介绍,联合部队还举办了一个开放日活动,与当地居民讨论该项目. Additionally, 通过市政审批程序的每个阶段(公共论坛),包括安大略省市政委员会听证会, the public was invited to participate and be heard. As part of the application for Certificate of Approval for Noise, there were postings to the Ontario Environmental Registry, where there was further opportunity for public comments.

    工会还回应了当地电视台的众多媒体请求, radio and newsprint journalists and held meetings with local politicians.

    Today, 联合部队正在努力建立一个开放的沟通渠道,以处理有关涡轮机运行的问题. 工会制定了安全操作政策和程序,将严格遵守,并提供给公众审查.

    Does the location of uedbet新版官网 wind turbine meet current regulations?

    Yes. Current regulations, as laid out under Ontario’s Green Energy Act, 如果涡轮机的噪声源低于102分贝(dB),就不需要“挫折”吗. 任何运行在102分贝或以上的风力涡轮机都需要550米的后退.

    噪音批准证书是使用保守的103声功率级获得的.5 dB. However, during the approvals process, 工会有意识地决定限制其涡轮机的功率输出. 由于这种约束,源点噪声水平降至102 db阈值以下. Therefore, the 550 metre setback is no longer applicable.

    联合部队在风力涡轮机项目开始时参与了广泛的选址过程. 选址是与声学专家和工程顾问共同完成的,并遵循严格的噪声建模程序和指导方针. In fact, 最终的位置是在场地建模结果完成后选择的(反之亦然)。. 选择涡轮机的当前位置是因为它可以最大限度地减少噪音输出的影响,并且离住宅物业足够远. 选址也考虑到工会的努力,以尽量减少对海滩和海岸线的自然和令人惊叹的美丽的影响.

    Footnote 1: Canning Consultants Inc. and John Simmons Realty Services Ltd. 风能研究-对安大略省查塔姆-肯特市房地产价值的影响

    Download the Frequently Asked Questions (pdf)

    Download the Noise Complaint Resolution Plan (pdf)

    Download the Noise Complaint Form (pdf)

    Download the Noise Abatement Action Plan (pdf)

    Download the May 30, 2018 NAAP Update (pdf)

    Download the Acoustic Audit - Immission Report (pdf)